RunningClan is now open for role playing!!!! ^^
I just want to say that Aurora need to give me a discription for each of her cats if she wants me to find pictures for them. Also, I'll probably add more to the blog, but not right now. Other than that, happy role playing. Please be active and follow the blog.


Friday, June 24, 2011

Who's Who?

Sunset-senpai~ Runningstar, Sparrowmark, Littlepaw
Stella~ Bluemoon, Leafpaw, Crescentpaw
Feefeelatt or Spottedflight~ Ivypaw, Hollypaw, Antpaw, Willowpaw
Rosetalon~ Redpaw, Berrypaw
Alado/Shade~ Darkshadow, Firepaw, Rosepaw, Jadeshine
Rouge~ Tawnybird
Chilepanda~ Nightbird, Foxleap
Starlessxx (WCL92)~ Flickerkit, Silentblaze
Jenna/Chaos~ Thunderstorm
Dovewing~ Grayspots
Aurora of the Storm~ Justicefire, Galestorm
Adurna~ Moonshadow
Aleta~ Jade

Please tell me if I'm missing anyone ^^


Anonymous said...

You're missing my cat :P

Joann W. said...

Meee~ ^-^